August 21, 2019
The Elmore City-Pernell Schools will host three separate Bond Election Information Meetings in the ECP High School Gym.
The first meeting will be with JC Leonard from Stephen...

August 20, 2019
Elmore City - Pernell Schools received a generous donation of school supplies for each campus from First State Bank of Elmore City. These supplies were received by Mrs. Terra Mart...

August 19, 2019
Mrs. Angela Sawyer is teaching a new class at the middle school. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. In this STEAM activity, students created...

August 19, 2019
Did you know that the federal Free & Reduced School Meal Application is not only about eating in the cafeteria? In addition to providing an opportunity for some of our students...

August 15, 2019
Sometimes it might be easier to pre-pay for a student's lunch bill rather than having an unexpected bill come up. We want to help you do that buy giving you a price breakdown for...

August 15, 2019
Welcome Back Badgers! It was great to see so many new and returning smiling faces this morning as students and teachers made their way into the buildings and classrooms. W...

July 31, 2019
Dear ECP Badgers community,
Elmore City-Pernell Public School District is thrilled to announce our new app for mobile phones! Stay up-to-date with access to real-time sports sc...

June 4, 2019
ALL unpaid lunch bills MUST be paid prior to August 7th or students will NOT be enrolled for the 19-20 school year. Payments can be made online at https://ok.wengage.com/ElmoreC....

June 4, 2019
Today, our Elementary and Middle School students and staff enjoyed a wonderful performance of “The Bremen Town Musicians” by the OU School of Drama.